SA Graan/Grain author scoops AWSA award

    Gepubliseer 20/11/2019


    An article that appeared in the September 2018 issue of SA Graan/Grain, “Nuwe Seisoen: Opsies vir winsgewende graanproduksie raak min,” afforded its author, Petru Fourie (research coordinator and production cost analyst, Grain SA) a first place at the Agricultural Writers National Awards, held on Friday 15 November. Petru won in the category Bayer Agricultural Writers SA Technical Article. The awards are held annually to honour members for their excellent contributions to the agri-sector. Articles are judged on various aspects including relevance, logical explanation and flow of information, the use and integration of resources, the ease with which technical information is communicated to readers and the optimal use of supportive material. You can read the article here.

    Photo: Helenus Kruger