Coalition government: challenges and opportunities

Most of you know that I worked in agriculture until 2009 and that I am now back after a 15-year hiatus. This has allowed me to reflect on the most noticeable changes that occurred...

Koalisieregering: uitdagings en geleenthede

Die meeste van julle weet dat ek in landbou gewerk het tot 2009 en dat ek nou, na 15 jaar, weer terug is. Dit het my in staat ge­stel om na te dink oor...


A common misconception held by many consumers is that agricultural producers over-exploit our soils, pollute without restraint and contribute significantly to carbon emissions. This could not be further from the truth. Grain producers view...


’n Algemene wanopvatting onder talle verbruikers is dat landbouprodusente ons grond oorbenut, onbeheers besoedel en aansienlik bydra tot koolstofvrystellings. Dit kan nie verder van die waarheid wees nie. Graanprodusente beskou grond as die basis...

Make every link in the chain YOUR PARTNER

The expression that one is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain, is a proverb directly applicable to the agricultural value chain. In South Africa – where agriculture is an important...

Maak elke skakel in die ketting JOU VENNOOT

Die uitdrukking dat jy net so sterk soos die swakste skakel in die ketting is, is ’n spreekwoord wat direk van toepassing is op die landbouwaardeketting. In Suid-Afrika – waar landbou in eie reg...

Building a future with technology

Grain SA’s recent NAMPO Harvest Day with its focus on the latest technological advances in agriculture, once again highlighted the critical role of technology in ensuring successful and sustainable grain production. In a time...

Met tegnologie bou ons ’n toekoms

Graan SA se onlangse NAMPO Oesdag, met sy fokus op die nuutste tegnologiese vooruitgang in landbou, het weer eens die beslissende rol van tegnologie uitgelig om suksesvolle en volhoubare graanproduksie te verseker. In ’n...


Agriculture is as old as human history. From humble beginnings of subsistence farming to today’s technologically driven agriculture, the journey to produce food has been marked by increasing ingenuity, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit...


Landbou is so oud soos die geskiedenis van die mens. Vanaf die beskeie begin van bestaansboerdery tot vandag se tegnologies gedrewe landbou, is die reis om voedsel te produseer nog altyd gekenmerk deur toenemende...