Understanding Goss’s wilt and its impact on maize production
Goss’s wilt is an emerging challenge for South African maize producers, caused by the bacterium Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. Nebraskensis, which primarily affects maize and certain grasses, including sorghum, foxtail species, and related crops. It is not known to...
Verstaan Goss-verwelksiekte se impak op mielieproduksie
Goss-verwelksiekte is ’n uitdaging vir Suid-Afrikaanse mielieprodusente wat die afgelope seisoen kop uitgesteek het. Dit word veroorsaak deur die bakterie Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis, wat hoofsaaklik mielies en sekere grasse affekteer, insluitend sorghum, foxtail-spesies en verwante gewasse. Dit...
Quick identification can safeguard your crop
Maize farming in South Africa can be challenging, especially during the growing season when farmers may notice unusual signs such as wilting, yellowing leaves or stunted growth. These symptoms can be early signs of pest or disease problems,...
Proaktiewe maatreëls kan impak VAN HOËR DIESELPRYSE VERSAG
Gedurende die 2024-produksieseisoen moes Suid-Afrikaanse produsente besonder uitdagende toestande trotseer. Stygende dieselkoste het beklemtoon dat brandstof nie net trekkers en besproeiingstelsels aandryf nie, maar ook die landbou-ekonomie van Suid-Afrika onderhou. Inisiatiewe soos die dieselkorting speel ’n beduidende rol...
Understanding Goss’s wilt and its impact on maize production
Goss’s wilt is an emerging challenge for South African maize producers, caused by the bacterium Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. Nebraskensis, which primarily affects maize and certain grasses, including sorghum, foxtail species, and related crops. It is not known to...