GRAIN TRUSTS support sustainability Part 3: Winter Cereal Trust


February 2019

MARIËTTA CRONJÉ, SA Graan/Grain contributor

The principal object of the Winter Cereal Trust is to undertake and/or financially support scientific, technical or industrial research with regard to winter cereals in South Africa.

Secondary objects of the Trust are to further the winter cereal industry in South Africa:

  • By supporting the maintenance of information required by the industry in our country;
  • to broaden market access in respect of South African produced winter cereals; and
  • by supporting the administration of the Wheat Forum or its successor in title.

‘According to researchers, the achievements of the South African agricultural sector rely on the development and application of agricultural research results. The complex interaction between the changing behavioural patterns of crops and the external factors that influence it, such as pests and diseases, adversely affects production and quality and urges the need for new technology to keep the agricultural sector profitable,’ says Mr Ishmael Tshiame, administrator of the Winter Cereal Trust.

‘It is furthermore imperative that the infrastructure related to research that has been developed over time must be maintained. Consumer preferences must also be monitored continuously.

‘In order to optimise the output from export, South African products need to comply with international quality standards and researchers must ensure that locally produced winter cereal is competitive. Accordingly, the Board of Trustees has approved the research priority focus for the wheat industry as outlined in Table 1,’ he said.

Annually the Trust provides financial support towards market information for the winter cereal industry through SAGIS. Accurate winter cereal market information does not only enhance market access for all market participants, but also promotes the effectiveness and the viability of the industry.

‘The Trust obtains its income from statutory levies on wheat and barley. 20% of these funds are used for transformation initiatives and the development of black farmers in the industry.

‘The Trust is also responsible for managing a bursary scheme which was established with the aim of helping students to start their careers in the field of research. The bursary scheme extends the source of appropriately qualified scientists,’ says Tshiame.

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Publication: February 2019

Section: Relevant