College to grow research capacity

The College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences is situated strategically at the science campus of the University of South Africa (Unisa) in Johannesburg. Unisa has made science a priority and aims to grow research capacity...

Studies in soil, crop and climate sciences pave the way

The Department of Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences at the University of the Free State is engaged in teaching and learning, academic research and the provision of community services in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. Our...

Committed to higher yields

Many countries are facing big economic crises due to the rapid spread of the Covid-19 virus. Food supply has to remain unchanged, if not promptly improve, to keep on feeding the nations across the...

Custom solutions for BULK storage

Silo Warehouse specialises in solving your grain storage and handling needs, whether it is small feed bin-like storage or large commercial storage. Silos, dryers, cleaners and a range of special handling equipment are imported from...

Elke klant behoort te registreer

‘n Uitkeerwaarde van R25 miljoen is vir die eerste drie seisoene van NWK se lojaliteitsprogram deur deelnemende klante verdien. Hiervan is 2 634 miljoen aandele reeds oorgedra en meer as R100 000 is as...

’n Extravaganza van nuwe kultivartegnologie

Pannar se gewilde Extravaganzas kon wel hierdie jaar in Delmas, Kokstad, Underberg, Luneburg en Kroonstad plaasvind voor die nasionale verbod op byeenkomste weens die koronavirus aangekondig is. SA Graan het die Extravaganza naby Kroonstad...

Effective weed control on wheat

Two new herbicide products that will be valuable tools to combat weed resistance are now available to producers in South Africa. Produced by Corteva Agriscience™, Quelex™ 200 WG (L10759) and Tarzec™ 320 WG (L10760)...

Koringkultivars vir droëland en besproeiing

K2 se droëlandkoringkultivars sluit ’n verskeidenheid opsies in. Koonap, Elands, Senqu en Matlabas wissel in terme van groeiperiode, groeiseisoen, strooisterkte en uitloopweerstand. Matlabas word met groot sukses in die Vrystaat en Noordwes (hoofsaaklik vanaf middel...

Eerste lojale kliënte kry aandele in hul sak

Kliënte wat in die eerste seisoen van die NWK Lojaliteitsprogram geregistreer het, het onlangs die vrugte hiervan begin pluk toe meer as 2,6 miljoen NWK Beherend-aandele en 34 242 NWK Beperk-aandele aan hulle oorgedra...

World-class crop shows here again

With multi-crop expertise and exceptional agronomic information on offer, Pannar’s crop shows, known as Extravaganzas, are a highlight on South African grain producers’ calendars. The 2020 Pannar Extravaganza series runs across the country’s maize production...