‘n Lewe met weerstandige onkruid
Ek wonder dikwels of die geskiedenis homself werklik herhaal. ’n Mens bly hoop dat met die verbetering in tegnologie, kommunikasie en die maklike toegang tot inligting, dit die mensdom daarvan sal weerhou om weer...
DATA ON PRODUCER DELIVERIES compared to crop estimates
The matter of actual producer deliveries and the estimates provided by the Crop Estimates Committee (CEC) has always been a talking point and is, in some cases, still causing confusion within the industry. It...
Só presteer die NOK in die 2021/2022-seisoen
Suid-Afrika het ’n uitstekende begin tot die 2021/2022-seisoen gehad, met oordraggrondvog en wydverspreide reën gedurende Oktober en November 2021 wat verseker het dat mielieprodusente twee tot vier weke vroeër as gewoonlik met aanplantings kon...
Stel veiligheid voorop
Veiligheid in die werksplek is elke persoon se fundamentele reg. Dit geld ook vir plaaswerkers. Hulle gesondheid en veiligheid is nie net ’n reg nie, maar speel ’n groot bydraende rol in die volhoubaarheid...
Grondbeginsels vir doeltreffende PRESISIEBESPROEIING
Besproeiing dra wêreldwyd tot hoër produksie en voedselsekerheid by. Hoewel die totale oppervlakte onder besproeiing in Suid-Afrika relatief klein is, speel besproeiing ’n belangrike rol in verhoogde en volhoubare voedselproduksie.
Suid-Afrika is ’n waterarm land...
Preserving bt technology through stewardship
The dictionary definition of stewardship means ‘to take care of something’. Within the plant biotechnology context, stewardship is defined as the responsible introduction and use of biotech-derived products across the entire plant product life...
Risk of high South African MRLs on grain exports
South Africa is a significant role-player in international grain production. Annually millions of tons of maize, wheat and other grains are produced, helping to ensure local food security and supporting the economy via exports...
STEM RUST remains a THREAT to wheat production
Stem rust caused by the fungus Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) is one of the important diseases of bread wheat in South Africa. Typical symptoms of stem rust include dark-red, elliptical pustules occurring...
Eyespot reoccurs after 16 years
In South Africa, maize eyespot has generally been of minor economic importance due to its limited incidence range (spatial) and low disease severities, with insignificant yield losses reported even
in more severely affected areas.
Originally this...
RWA present in all SA wheat production areas
The invasive ability of an insect in a specific area will be determined by establishment success and rate of spread, but also by environmental factors that will influence the adaptation and spread within the...