On the agenda
Important dates
03 – 04/03/2021
Graan SA Kongres/
Grain SA Congress
07 – 09/04/2021
Agbiz Kongres/Congress
Sun City Convention Centre
Datums en gebeurtenisse is onderhewig aan COVID-19-regulasies/Dates and events are subject to COVID-19 regulations.
Kyk: Graan SA het ’n spesiale hoofbestuursvergadering belê om kwessies rakende ’n oudit van die hele graanbedryf te bespreek. In ’n video-opname deel Derek Mathews, voorsitter van Graan SA, meer inligting oor die uitslag van die vergadering. Klik op die foto om die video te kyk.
Kyk: ’n Kort opsomming in videoformaat van die verskillende strukture in die graanbedryf is deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Graaninligtingsdiens (SAGIS) saamgestel. Klik op die foto om na ’n praktiese voorstelling van die werking van SAGIS te kyk.
Grain SA diary
The last session of the Leadership in the Connection Economy programme, took place from 26 to 31 October 2020. This group started their journey on 25 February and were set to finish in June, but finished later due to COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown. Ikageng Maluleke, agricultural economist at Grain SA, was part of this group.
Ramodisa Monaisa (vice-chairperson of Grain SA) was elected as chairperson of the board of Phahama Grain Phakama, with Jeremia Mathebula (member of the Management Committee) as vice-chairperson. Phahama Grain Phakama is a non-profit company in which Grain SA’s Farmer Development Programme is now operated.
Grain SA’s Input Working Group team met with various seed companies at the end of 2020. Jaco Breytenbach (right) flew Dr Dirk Strydom and Corné Louw to Greytown in his light aircraft on their visit to Pannar.
Cobus van Coller is verkies as nuwe hoofbestuurslid vir Streek 23.
In the news
Early detection can help control FAW
The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) advises all producers of maize and related host crops such as sorghum and sweet corn to take precautionary measures in controlling the fall armyworm (FAW). With early rains experienced in various parts of the country, high infestation levels of FAW can be expected. Farmers and community members are advised to take precautionary control measures, which include thorough scouting for egg packs, leaf damage and caterpillars to ensure early detection for effective control of FAW.
Source: DALRRD media statement, 14 January 2021.
Weermag gaan help om plase te beveilig
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANDF) en Agri SA gaan hande vat om die landbougemeenskap te beveilig. Verteenwoordigers van die twee organisasies het in Desember 2020 vergader om areas van samewerking te identifiseer en planne te beraam vir landelikeveiligheidsinisiatiewe en ekonomiese ontwikkeling op landelike gebied. Daar is ooreengekom dat dit noodsaaklik is om effektief met misdaad op die grens en in plattelandse gebiede af te reken.
Bron: Agri SA-persverklaring, 2 Desember 2020.
Quality of malting barley crop causes concern
Although South Africa expected a record malting barley crop of just over 526 700 tons – which is up nearly 53% from the previous season – quality issues in the Southern Cape production regions were affecting barley that was earmarked for malting purposes. According to Richard Krige, vice-chairperson of Grain SA, and a producer near Caledon in the Overberg region, many barley producers were experiencing split kernels when grading loads, rendering this barley not suitable for malting purposes. What had caused the barley kernels to split had not yet been determined, but he said it could possibly be related to cold and wet weather conditions followed by abnormal hot days in October.
Source: Farmer’s Weekly, 6 November 2020.
Ent in teen slenkdalkoors
Volgens die Nasionale Dieregesondheidsforum en Afrivet is die enigste manier om siekteverspreiding en besmetting van lewende hawe te voorkom, om diere in te ent teen slenkdalkoors en om muskiete te beheer. Vanselfsprekend is jaarlikse inenting teen die siekte die maklikste en doeltreffendste roete om uitbrekings te voorkom. Ideaal gesproke moes die entstof reeds in die vroeë lente toegedien gewees het, maar dit is nog nie te laat nie. Tyd vir toediening is nou van die grootste belang, aangesien die meeste uitbrekings in die middel en laat somer plaasvind.
Bron: Persverklaring van die Nasionale Dieregesondheidsforum en Afrivet, 11 Januarie 2021.
In short
CropLife het produsente aan die einde van 2020 gemaan om op hul hoede te wees vir die opkoms van die bruinsprinkaan (trekkersprinkaan) in die Noord-Kaapse Karoo en Kalahari, die suidelike en westelike Vrystaat, die Oos-Kaapse Karoo en savanne en die Kalahari-gebiede van Noordwes. Enige persoon wat vlieënde sprinkaanswerms sien, moet dit onmiddellik aanmeld by die Departement van Landbou se sprinkaankantoor in De Aar by 053 631 3122 of 053 631 3261.
Agri NW se droogtehulpfonds het aan die einde van 2020 ’n welkome hupstoot gekry danksy twee skenkings. Rees Alberts het namens Absa Agribesigheid ’n skenking van R100 000 aan Boeta du Toit, uitvoerende hoofbestuurder van Agri NW, oorhandig. GROOTplaas se skenking van R298 000 vir hulp in Noordwes is in die ateljee aan Boeta oorhandig (foto).
The highly respected Professor Mohammad Karaan (52), passed away on 13 January due to a COVID-related illness. At the time of his death he was a professor in agricultural economics at Stellenbosch University and also president of Maties Rugby. He had also served two terms as dean of the Faculty of AgriSciences at Stellenbosch University.
Prof Karaan was passionate about agriculture and was considered an expert in his field who enjoyed great respect locally as well as internationally. His contribution in many areas, especially regarding his involvement with the National Planning Commission (NPC), the establishment of ASUF (Agricultural Sector Unity Forum), the University of Stellenbosch and its Department of Agriculture and many other institutions, was invaluable.
He was seen as a bridge builder between agriculture and the government. Since 2010 he had served two terms as member for agricultural affairs on the NPC. Prof Karaan was instrumental in writing a chapter in SA’s National Development Plan – Vision 2030 on shaping an integrated and inclusive rural economy for South Africa. Before his passing, he was also a member of the presidential inter-ministerial commission on land reform, and his term as management committee member of the Bureau for Economic Research had been extended.
Through the years Prof Karaan was honoured for his leadership role by various role-players in organised agriculture. Grain SA truly honours his contribution to agriculture in South Africa.
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