Better results with legumes in rotation with maize
The productivity of maize in South Africa is influenced by various factors, including abiotic and biotic stresses and their interactions as well as monocropping. Abiotic factors include poor soil fertility, drought and heat stresses.
Bemesting – bou voort op dekgewasse se impak
Dit is verblydend om te sien hoeveel produsente dekgewasse in hulle produksiestelsels inbring, hetsy slegs om heeltyd aktiewe wortels in die grond te hê, vir heeljaarbedekking of in kombinasie met ’n beweidingstelsel.
Die optimale benutting...
Grondopnames – ’n hoeksteen van presisieboerdery
Presisieboerdery is ’n boerderybestuurskonsep gebaseer op waarnemings, metings en die evaluasie van die geomorfologie van ’n land met gevolglike bestuursaanpassings binne die land volgens die variasie van dié data.
Dié tipe bestuurstelsel het ten doel...
Afname in hektare skets somber prentjie
Alhoewel Suid-Afrika se sonneblomsaadmark klein is in vergelyking met ander gewasse soos mielies en sojabone, speel dit tog ’n belangrike rol in die plaaslike graan- en oliesaadomgewing.
Sonneblomsaad het oor die afgelope paar jaar, tydens...
Grondvrugbaarheid en aalwurms: is grondsuurheid ’n faktor?
Fertasa se grondsuurheidswerkgroep* in samewerking met Graan SA, kyk in hierdie reeks artikels na die oorsake, slaggate, invloed van en oplossing vir grondsuurheid. In hierdie tiende artikel in die reeks kyk prof Driekie Fourie...
Grane en oliesade – pryse styg te midde van daling in wêreldvoorraad
Die wêreld se graan- en oliesademark het die afgelope jaar groot tendensveranderinge ondergaan wat baie onsekerheid in die markte geskep het. Die meeste van die grane en oliesade se pryse het in ’n jaar...
Broiler feed – impact of feed conversion ratios and exports
In the grain and oilseed markets one of the biggest role-players within the demand spectrum is animal feed. The question is always what the demand will look like in the future. How much grain...
Feedlot or not? Success starts with calf quality
Farming is all about making the best profit with the resources available. Producers must make the decision whether to sell their grain and weaner calves or add value to both by feeding the calves...
Aerial application of agrochemicals – crucial factors to consider
When it comes to planning a crop protection spray programme for the season, there are various aspects to consider for achieving optimal results – one of which is the correct application method. Producers have...
Benefits of farming in partnership with nature
It is likely that you have heard or read about soil health. Also, that soil health is intricately linked to the animals – big and small – that inhabit our farmlands. Maybe you have...