VSA-ervaring goed vir jong produsente
Al hoe meer jong Suid-Afrikaners sprei hulle vlerke op soek na werksgeleenthede oorsee. Dit is veral in Amerika waar daar in landbou vele geleenthede is.
So vertel Dillon de Vries, ’n jongman van Secunda, wat...
Skills training gains traction
Vocational training and artisan development are often overlooked by students and parents who contend that the academic route offers better prospects for the future.
With the current focus on strengthening agricultural value chains and investing...
On-farm participation crucial for CA research
Conservation agriculture (CA) refers to an agricultural management system based on the simultaneous application of three principles: minimum mechanical soil disturbance, an organic soil cover throughout the year and the use of crop and...
Koster-studiegroep gaan groot
Waar daar ’n wil is, is daar ’n weg! Die Koster-studiegroep, wat 50 jaar gelede in 1970 gestig is, het besluit om ter viering van hierdie groot mylpaal die bykans onmoontlike te vermag. Hulle...
Protecting our pollinators
It is no secret that pollinators play a crucial role in sustainable agriculture and no one should be more aware of this than producers. There are, however, still incidents where pollinators are adversely affected...
Keeping an eye on your farm
Like most industries, agriculture is using advances in technology to keep ahead, resulting in dramatic changes. Inevitably, as farming tools get more complex, they become more of a target for thieves. But there’s another...
Veediefstal neem aansienlik toe
Tydens die grendelperiode het die voorkoms van veediefstal in die meeste dele van Suid-Afrika aansienlik toegeneem. Dit word onder meer toegeskryf aan die feit dat plaaspatrollies nie tydens dié tydperk toegelaat is om te...
Follow these instructions to at T
There is a common misunderstanding about the directions for use of pesticides. Although they are often interpreted to be recommendations, they are instructions. This means that users must adhere to whatever is stated on...
Wat op aarde is die pyplynvoorraad?
Die sogenaamde pyplynvoorraad word gereeld, veral deur markontleders, in vraag-en-aanbod-projeksies gebruik. Omdat dit soms verwarring veroorsaak en selfs verwagtinge by markrolspelers kan skep, is dit nodig om die oorsprong en waarde van ’n pyplynvoorraad...
Akademikus, produsent en brugbouer
Prof Danie Vermeulen, dekaan van die Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV), glo dat landbou in Suid-Afrika kerngesond is. Hy skryf dit toe aan die vernuf en kwaliteit van...