Maak self plan om risiko’s te verminder

Nuwe tegnologie, brandpunte rakende landbouverse­kering en beurtkrag was alles ter sprake by die eerste paneelbespreking wat op dag 1 van Kongres aangebied is. Onder leiding van dr Pieter Taljaard (HUB van Graan SA) het...

Addressing weed challenges in modern agriculture

On 26 June, Grain SA held an engaging Weed Science Day, bringing together a diverse group of participants including chemical industry experts, researchers, government officials, and producers. This collaborative gathering was dedicated to tackling...

KONGRES 2024 – ’n boer maak mos ’n plan

Graan SA se 2024-kongres, ’n deurslaggewende gebeurtenis in die landbousektor, het vanjaar gevra: “Wat laat produsente snags wakker lê?” En die algehele fokus was daarop dat ons … planmakers is! Kongres het gedien as...

Goue Graan vir Kallie Schoeman

Graan SA se eretoekenning vir uitnemende leierskap in die organisasie asook in verskeie beleidstrukture op nasionale vlak, is toegeken aan Kallie Schoeman van Schoeman Boerdery in Delmas. Schoeman het vanjaar uitgetree as hoofbestuurslid vir...

Langasems ontvang erkenning

‘n Lang verbintenis aan ’n organisasie toon ’n sterk geloof in die waarde en etos van daardie organi­sasie. Graan SA verskaf kommoditeitstrategiese ondersteuning en dienste aan Suid-Afrikaanse graanprodusente – en aan die voorpunt van...

Dr Ntladi has great plans for groundnut breeding in SA

Since his appointment as researcher: Groundnut Breeder at the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) in August last year, Dr Solomon Ntladi has not let the grass grow under his feet. Being previously employed in the private...

Economic research put into action

The Applied Economics and Member Services team plays a key role to support Grain SA’s vision to influence the macro- and micro-economic environment in order to enable sustainable and profitable local grain production and...

Agro Energy Fund aims to empower producers

Load shedding in South Africa has become a serious constraint on growth and profitability for various sectors, including agriculture. In addressing the negative impact on the productivity and profitability of farm operations brought about by...

Farmers get a boost with new finance scheme

The minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza, launched a R3,2 billion blended finance scheme (BFS) with Land Bank to assist farmers. The programme will be implemented over a ten-year period. The...

Soybean production in SA – a success story

The local soybean industry is one of South Africa’s biggest agricultural and agroprocessing success stories. With Grain SA at the forefront, various role-players have been involved in the expansion of the industry over the...