Keep these EPR regulations for WASTE MANAGEMENT in mind

South Africa is no different to most other countries in the world when it comes to waste: we as citizens pollute the environment with solid and liquid waste to the point where the environmental...

Crop protection products – transport it the right way

Crop protection products with UN numbers are classified as dangerous goods, and transporting such products on South African roads involves the risk of traffic accidents, which may result in spillage of the pesticides, fire,...

Belangrikheid en veiligheid van boor in gewasproduksie

Boor (B) is een van die agt noodsaaklike mikro-elemente vir plante. Dit is reeds in meer as 80 lande en vir 132 gewasse oor die afgelope 60 jaar gerapporteer. ’n Boortekort is die tweede...

ANGULAR LEAF SPOT on dry bean production

In many African countries, legumes are a major source of protein. Dry beans have high nutritional value and offer dietary and health-promoting qualities for humans. Nationally, the economic impact of dry beans plays a...

Impak van winterdekgewasse IN ’N BAIE DROË SEISOEN

Daar is ’n groot behoefte om meer volhoubare graanverbouingstelsels te ontwerp wat omge­wings­vriendelik is, maar ook hulle agronomiese en ekonomiese lewensvatbaarheid behou. Konvensionele bewerking en monokultuurstelsels vernietig koolstof in grond, terwyl gediversifiseerde en geïntegreerde (vee...

Cover crops: CA’s secret weapon

Conservation agriculture (CA) without cover crops is still the default position for most South African grain producers who follow the principles of zero or minimum tillage, permanent soil cover, and diverse crop rotations. Even...


Die meeste navorsing wat huidige kunsmispraktyke vir somergrane ondersteun, dateer uit die laat 1990’s en vroeë 2000’s, terwyl kultivars en landboupraktyke sedertdien in talle opsigte handomkeer verander het. Daar is ’n dringende behoefte aan wetenskaplike,...

Hoe kies ’n mens tussen chemiese en meganiese onkruidbeheer?

Onbeheerde onkruid – veral in die beginstadium van ’n gewas – is ’n kritieke aspek wat tot groot opbrengsverliese kan lei. Dit maak nie regtig saak of die onkruid chemies of meganies beheer word...

Maximising sunflower yield with strategic planting times

Sunflower is a versatile crop that thrives in various climates and soil types, and which is known for its high yield and adaptability. While sunflowers can withstand moderate drought due to their deep root...

Will genome editing replace conventional plant breeding?

What if we could cure cancer? Use a pair of scissors to cut out that cancer-causing gene? Well, maybe we can. A genetic system called CRISPR-Cas9 was developed that allows us to edit gene sequences....