Effect of insecticides on aphids: evolution of resistance

Aphids are globally significant economic pests that can lead to substantial economic losses. Management of aphids is challenging because of their extremely high mobility and the fact that they can rapidly reproduce, resulting in...

Proper planning reaps benefits

For the second year, once again with a competition record (5,4 t/ha), Clinton Frey from the farm Doveton near Winterton was crowned the winner in the category for soybeans in KwaZulu-Natal in Grain SA’s...

Super productive crops with serious health challenges

Agricultural scientists select and breed food and fibre plant species with the ultimate objective of optimising productivity to feed and clothe the world’s growing human population. Recently a strong focus emerged in plant breeding,...

Benefits of CA evident in Western Cape

The conservation agriculture (CA) system has been promoted worldwide as a sustainable alternative to conventional agriculture, with successful implementation in many countries. Significant adoption in some regions of South Africa has followed the world...

Sensitiwiteit vir swamdoders by stamroesswam getoets

Siektes veroorsaak deur swamme kom algemeen voor op kleingrane in Suid-Afrika. Die tydige toedien van swamdoders op vatbare kultivars speel ’n belangrike rol in die voorkoming van epidemies. Verskeie faktore, soos die voorkoms van...

Werktuie: Beplan aankope vooruit

Landbou as ’n sektor word gekenmerk deur deurlopende verandering en produsente word genoodsaak om daarby aan te pas. Aspekte van grondvoorbereiding, verbouingsmetodes, masjinerie en bemarking verander en verbeter deurgaans en dit verg ’n buigsame...

Nature-based farming uses less fertiliser

Analysis of 30 long-running farm experiments in Europe and Africa has shown that the high crop yields usually obtained using man-made fertilisers can instead be achieved through a combination of more environmentally friendly practices. Using...

Kanolasaad blyk genoeg te wees vanjaar

As produksie-inset maak saad ongeveer 15% tot 20% van ’n kanolaprodusent se produksiekosterekening uit. Alle kanolasaad wat in Suid-Afrika aangeplant word, word vanaf Australië, Kanada, Suid-Amerika of Europa ingevoer. Die voorsiening van genoeg saad...

Wintersaad so lyk pryse vanjaar

Saad bly seker een van ’n produsent se heel belangrikste insette, alhoewel die prys nie so beduidend soos ander insette s’n is nie. Die genetiese potensiaal van ’n kultivar bepaal uiteindelik die potensiële produksie...

StewardshipHow non-compliance could cost you in the long run

Most people should be familiar with the concept of stewardship in agriculture by now, especially when it comes to agricultural practices on farm level, such as resistance management and integrated pest management. But stewardship...