Quality inputs make the difference

A British philanthropist from the 19th century, John Ruskin, believed that the highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it. André Louwrens (or...

Positive attitude for way ahead eminent at Congress

Congress 2021 has just concluded – a virtual one at that. And what a change it was! I was sceptical whether our producers would sit behind a screen for so many hours to reflect...

Kongres spreek van positiewe gesindheid vir pad vorentoe

Kongres 2021 is so pas agter die rug – nogal ’n virtuele een. En was dit nie ’n verandering nie! Ek was skepties of ons produsente vir soveel ure agter ’n skerm sou sit...

Die reëndans

Beste Grootneef Op Oujaarsnag het dit vroegaand in beide die ooste en die weste geblits – met die veraf dreuning van onweerswolke op die horison. In die laat nag het die reëndans met enkele druppels...

This grow for gold winner aims for more hectares

Although Gardner Khulekani Khumalo (37) had the knowledge of three generations to guide him in his farming operation, he could not have imagined what the guidance of a Grain SA mentor would bring about....

Hoe jy onthou wil word

Beste Grootneef Buskruit het die mensdom verander. Onherroeplik. Van Kublai Khan se tyd af. Die vreemde ding is dat buskruit lank reeds deur die Sjinese gebruik is vir oorlog en vuurwerke voordat die Europeërs daarvan...

Mentoring is where the real work gets done

The American financial advisor, Suze Orman, says the key to being a good mentor is to help people become more of who they already are. It seems that the Grain SA Farmer Development Programme...

Growing SA’s economy post-COVID

Even before COVID-19 arrived the South African economy was in trouble. The official unemployment rate reached 30%, while per capita economic growth had been negative for half a decade. In fact, looking at five-year periods...

’n Stille Nag in die vreemde

Beste Grootneef Dit was ’n koue aand met ligte motreën wat teen jou gesig vasgewaai het. Die trietsige son het net na drie-uur die middag agter die berg verdwyn. Die voetheuwels om die berge was...

Agriculture can change SA

To state that Johan Kriel, former development coordinator of the Grain SA Farmer Development Programme, has a heart for agriculture, is an understatement. Agriculture is his life. After having to sell their family farm...