Nuwe Amarok is ’n bobaasbakkie
Suid-Afrika is bakkiewêreld. Elke maand se verkoopsyfers van nuwe voertuie wys bakkies is topverkopers. Bakkies het tradisioneel ’n wye aanwending in die landbou-omgewing, maar is deesdae ook gewild in stede en dorpe. Omdat daar...
Correct practices lead to success
‘As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands – one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.’ These words by Audrey Hepburn, the British-born actress who was seen as...
Mentoring is a great way to keep learning
Dulce Ruby, the founder of the blog Soul Traveler, said that the beautiful thing about life is that we will never reach an age where there is nothing left to learn, see or be....
Die pypvanger
Beste Grootneef
Soms word maklike keuses moeilik gemaak. Die “prez” se onlangse rit op ’n oorvol voorstedelike trein wat met beurtkrag vasgeval het, het gewys hoe moeilik ’n maklike keuse soms kan wees. Want so...
Positive attitude for way ahead eminent at Congress
Congress 2021 has just concluded – a virtual one at that. And what a change it was! I was sceptical whether our producers would sit behind a screen for so many hours to reflect...
Hoe jy onthou wil word
Beste Grootneef
Buskruit het die mensdom verander. Onherroeplik. Van Kublai Khan se tyd af. Die vreemde ding is dat buskruit lank reeds deur die Sjinese gebruik is vir oorlog en vuurwerke voordat die Europeërs daarvan...
Dit is koud op Mars
Beste Neef
Junie en Julie se skraal wintersdae het die koue diep laat byt. Soggens was daar ’n yslagie oor die krippe wat eers na tien in die oggend skietgegee het. Die suidewind, al die...
Colin Powell, an American statesman, diplomat, and army officer, once said: ‘A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.’ Mandla Enos Nkosi (52), a finalist in the...
A mentor who became family … and a hero
October’s hero: Johan Kriel
Johan Kriel is a well-known face in agricultural circles and to say that he has a heart for agriculture, is an understatement. After having to sell their family farm in the...