Agriculture is showing its mettle now
South Africa is still in lockdown (even if it is at level 3). When looking at the photos on the groups, I see many of our producers are locked down in the mud in...
Landbou wys nou sy staal
Suid-Afrika sit steeds vasgegrendel (al is dit op vlak 3). Wanneer ek so na die foto’s op die groepe kyk, sien ek baie van ons produsente sit ook vasgegrendel in die modder van die...
Georganiseerde landbou staan sterk in krisistyd
Gewoonlik sou ek hierdie tyd van die jaar iets oor NAMPO geskryf het. Vandag (begin April) sit ek in my huiskantoor en probeer my bes om steeds ’n verskil te maak in die Covid-19-omgewing...
Organised agriculture holds its own in time of crisis
Usually I would be writing something about NAMPO at this time of year. Today (beginning of April) I am sitting in my home office, trying my best to still make a difference in the...
Herstel balans in dié debat
Ek skryf hierdie hoofartikel terwyl ek in die vliegtuig sit. Oorkant my sit drie jongmense. Een dra ’n koronavirus-masker en hulle bestel vegetariese toebroodjies, nie vleis nie. Dalk is hulle bang vir voëlgriep of...
Restore balance in this debate
I am writing this editorial while sitting in an aeroplane. Across the aisle three young people are seated. One is wearing a coronavirus mask and they order vegetarian sandwiches, not meat. Maybe they are...
Plans made together give hope during challenges
March is Congress month. The Grain SA leadership and staff are criss-crossing the country to talk and listen to members at grassroots level. Feedback is given and plans are made together about what we...
Planne saam gemaak gee hoop tydens uitdagings
Maart-maand is Kongres-maand. Die Graan SA-leierskap en -personeel deurkruis die land om op grondvlak met die lede te praat en te luister. Daar word terugvoer gegee en saam planne gemaak oor wat ons kan...
Our contribution to a more stable agricultural environment
Last month I wrote about how instability or stability can let one’s emotions see-saw between feeling angry and flourishing. In 2020, Grain SA is focusing on creating more stability for our grain producers so...
Ons bydrae tot ’n meer stabiele landbou-omgewing
Ek het verlede maand geskryf oor hoe onstabiliteit of stabiliteit ’n mens se emosies kan laat wipplank ry tussen kwaad wees en om te floreer. Graan SA gaan in 2020 daarop fokus om meer...