Skuif van NAMPO ’n inklusiewe besluit

Graan SA se Dagbestuur het aan die einde van Januarie 2021 vergader, terwyl die tweede vlaag van die pandemie die land geteister het. Dáár is besluit om met alle belanghebbendes, insluitend uitstallers (vennote), te...

Making an everyday moment a masterpiece

Elliott Erwitt, a French-born American advertising and documentary photographer, known for his candid black and white photos of everyday settings, wrote: ‘To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting...

Government ignores sector inputs on minimum wage

Minister of Employment and Labour, Thulas Nxesi, gazetted the new national minimum wage for farmworkers early in February at an increase of 16% to R21,69 per hour. This means that the minimum wage for...

Tripartite agreement sets the pace for continental free trade

Three African regional economic communities (RECs) have taken a bold step towards advancing intra-Africa trade, consistent with the African Union’s action plan for boosting such trade. South Africa’s trade with the Southern African Development Community...

Sector has potential to take SA forward

He is described as a strategic thinker and a staunch believer in the potential of agriculture to address several challenges in South Africa today. As the acting director-general in the Department of Agriculture, Land...

Concerns over Ivermectin black market sales and product availability

Animal health company, Afrivet, issued a statement on Thursday 28 January, calling for the public to be responsible when procuring Ivermectin. ‘The very sudden demand increase for Ivermectin injectable products based on beliefs that Ivermectin...

Grondonteiening – Agri SA se hoofbesware teen wetsontwerp

Vroeg in Desember 2020 is die sesde weergawe van die nuwe Onteieningswetsontwerp gepubliseer vir openbare kommentaar. Lede van die publiek het kans tot 10 Februarie om te reageer. Die eerste poging was twaalf jaar gelede...