The paradox of 2021

This year's stop-start beginning is making life difficult for everyone. People were still trying to relax on holiday after a tough 2020, when COVID’s ‘My fellow South Africans’ stopped us dead in our tracks...

Die paradoks van 2021

Vanjaar se stop-start begin maak die lewe vir almal moeilik. Mense was nog besig om vakansie te probeer hou na ’n taai 2020-jaar, toe laat COVID se “My fellow South Africans” ons weer in...

Voorwaarts, al is dit opdraand

Teen die tyd dat julle hierdie lees, behoort die Kaapse oes afgehandel en die noorde se oes geplant te wees. Is dit nie lekker dat die reën mooi betyds gekom het nie? ’n Beter begin...

Onward, even if it’s uphill

By the time you are reading this, the Cape harvest should be completed and the crops in the north should be planted. Isn’t it just great that the rain has come in time? We could...

This is who we are!

Who do you think you are?’ were the words our Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele, used to starkly address a farmer recently. I do not know the farmer and I am not aware...

Dis wie ons is!

Wie dink jy is jy?” was die woorde wat ons Minister van Polisie, Generaal Bheki Cele, ’n boer die ander dag toegesnou het. Ek ken nie die boer nie en weet nie presies wat...

This too shall pass

The other day, I attended a meeting about the loss people are experiencing in the time of COVID. Experts talked about children who had no matric farewell and who could not experience the last school...

Dit sal ook verbygaan

Ek het nou die dag ’n byeenkoms bygewoon wat gehandel het oor die verlies wat mense in die COVID-tyd beleef. Kundiges het gepraat oor kinders wat nie matriekafskeid kon hou nie en ook nie die...

Where are the bridge-builders?

Although we have had quite an overdose of virtual meetings since March 2020, there is a new virtual highlight on the calendar this month. The first NAMPO Virtual will take place from 9 to 12...

Waar is die brugbouers?

Hoewel ons sedert Maart 2020 al ’n redelike oordosis van virtuele vergaderings gehad het, is daar dié maand ’n nuwe virtuele hoogtepunt op die kalender. Die eerste NAMPO Virtueel gaan van 9 tot 12 September...