Fighting poverty through opportunity

Being raised by unemployed parents led Zoliswa Mdikane (26) to her decision to study agriculture. Zoliswa hails from a deeply rural area, Tshisane, near the town Tsolo in the Eastern Cape, which is approximately...

Die doppie

Beste Grootneef Die doppie staan al ’n week op my lessenaar. Nou en dan word dit liggies tussen die vingers geroer en teen die lig betrag. Vir die fynproewer ontsluit dit geure van kordiet, tentseil...

Grain trusts support sustainability PART 4: Sorghum Trust

Following the closing of the Sorghum Board in 1997, the reserve funds of the Board were transferred to the Sorghum Trust. These funds became the discretionary funds of the Trust and are managed by...

Opportunities and hard work go hand in hand

A true mentor is not someone who helps you with every aspect, but someone who teaches you skills that can help you lead your life independently. If there is one thing that Grain SA’s...

Die orrelpype

Beste Grootneef Sondagoggend in die kerk. Die orrel speel ’n sagte melodie terwyl gesinne uit die wyke die banke vul. Hier en daar kraak ’n bank wanneer iemand sy sit verskuif. Die bosduiwe roer op...

Giving direction to empower lives

‘I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.’ This quote of the well-known Chinese philosopher, Confucius, is the method which mentor Sarel Pretorius from the Eastern Cape...

Die getooide jagter

Beste Grootneef April was die maand van die groot waters deur die Vrystaat. Spruite het hoogwater gevloei en damme het oorgeloop. Strome van seën. Uit Hennenman se wêreld laat weet neef Jaco dat in November...