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Vroeë SONNEBLOM kan baie voordele vir produsente inhou

Sonneblom is een van die somergewasse wat die minste sensitief is vir plantdatum en daarom kan die gewas met groot sukses vroeg én laat in die hoofproduserende sonneblomgebiede aangeplant word. Suid-Afrika se somersaaigebiede plant...

Seize the opportunity with Grain Training 2024

As a global leader in grain storage and handling, AGI understands the importance of equipping grain professionals with the necessary skills to effectively manage their farm and commercial operations. To help facilitate this learning,...

Mikorisa speel ’n sleutelrol in die grondekosisteem

Grondgesondheid word gedefinieer as die vermoë van grond om ’n lewensvatbare ekosisteem te onderhou wat bevorderlik vir hoë produktiwiteit en omgewingsgehalte is. Dit word bepaal deur 1) fisiese grondeienskappe; 2) chemiese faktore; en 3)...

Die bewese troefkaart teen hardnekkige onkruide in mielies

Yamato® 480 SC van Philagro het die afgelope vier jaar herhaaldelik sy doeltreffendheid in Suid-Afrika getoon, met uitsonderlike onkruidbeheer in mielieproduserende gebiede. Dié produk bly steeds ’n bewese troefkaart in die stryd teen hardnekkige...

High speed disc reaches new widths with the LARGEST model yet

The Agrico HSD630 series of high speed discs has proven itself a trustworthy tillage partner over the years, breaking through the roughest of soils and chopping weeds in a fraction of time. With the...

Astron Energy providing cutting-edge energy solutions

The requirement for dependable, high-quality energy solutions is critical in the demanding and fast-paced industries of agriculture, mining, and transport. These industries are the foundation of the South African economy, and they demand the...

Bio Liquid improves plant vigour and growth

Bio Liquid is a unique in-furrow product designed to improve microbial activity in the soil, improve soil structure, improve stress tolerance, and ultimately improve plant vigour and growth. Bio Liquid contains fish hydrolysate, condensed...

Efficient field preparation with new 8,0 m high speed disc

With ever increasing pressure on South African producers to lower their input costs and raise their yields, it becomes crucial to invest in equipment that enables efficient and effective field preparation within the shortest...

Falcon showcases innovative equipment for SA producers

This year’s NAMPO Harvest Day featured a wide range of innovative agricultural equipment. At the Falcon stand producers had the opportunity to experience locally produced Falcon implements made specifically with South African producers in...

Die korrekte filtreringsmetode vir jou besproeiingstelsel

Wanneer dit kom by die beskerming van jou besproeiingstelsel, is min dinge meer belangrik as effektiewe filtrering. Die korrekte keuse van filtreringsmetode om jou stelsel teen verstoppings te beskerm, is nie slegs ‘n finansiële...