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Falcon showcases innovative equipment for SA producers

This year’s NAMPO Harvest Day featured a wide range of innovative agricultural equipment. At the Falcon stand producers had the opportunity to experience locally produced Falcon implements made specifically with South African producers in...

Groter opbrengste danksy mikorisa

Sojabone en sonneblom is van Suid-Afrika se belangrikste somergewasse en word jaarliks in verskeie dele van die land verbou. Volgens die Oesskattingskomiteesyfers het die nasionale sojaboonaanplantings van 827 100 ha gedurende 2021 vermeerder tot 925...

Die voortydige rypwording van mielies

Dikwels word gevra hoekom daar nie gewig aan die koppe is tydens oestyd nie, alhoewel die mielieplante normaal vertoon het met ’n goeie aantal koppe per hektaar. Die antwoord lê daarin dat verskeie reaksies...

AGI delivers a complete grain solution for Modderbult Farm

About AGI For over 30 years, AGI’s Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) division has provided manufacturing solutions that meet the unique needs of key grain, rice, and fertilizer producing areas . From initial design,...

Kanolakultivars presteer in uiters nat seisoen

Die afgelope seisoen in die Wes-Kaap is gekenmerk deur uitermatig hoë reënval wat die produksietoestande uitdagend gemaak het vir kanolaprodusente. Ten spyte van die strawwe toestande het Agricol se triasien-tolerante kultivars (TT) verwagtinge oortref...

AGRICOL SE GROENDAG fokus op volhoubaarheid

Met die tema “Volhoubaarheid in landbou” het Agricol se Groendag, wat op 30 April vanjaar vir die tiende keer by hul navorsingstasie net buite Potchefstroom aangebied is, sowat 350 besoekers gelok. Die Groendag bied elke...

The responsible role of the expert crop advisor in agriculture

Gideon Hefer is the managing director of InteliGro. He serves on the board of CropLife SA and has a real commitment to the responsible role that the expert, trained crop advisor has in South...

Bio Liquid improves plant vigour and growth

Bio Liquid is a unique in-furrow product designed to improve microbial activity in the soil, improve soil structure, improve stress tolerance, and ultimately improve plant vigour and growth. Bio Liquid contains fish hydrolysate, condensed...

Is u as produsent Ultra-ingelig?

Produsente is deurentyd op soek na maniere wat meer ekonomiese uitkomste bied, maar ook doeltreffendheid verhoog. Inkomste op belegging bly ’n uitstekende maatstaf om produkte aan te toets. Wanneer opsies met mekaar vergelyk word,...

Largest high-speed disc harrow on show

For more than 100 years, Agrico has never stopped innovating. Every year we adapt, grow and improve our offering. This year, we are excited to showcase our largest high-speed disc harrow yet, with a...