Aalwurmbeheer op eenjarige gewasse: Is dit regtig nodig?

Die spreekwoord “groot gif in klein pakkies” is die perfekte beskrywing vir aalwurms. Plantparasitiese aalwurms is inderdaad een van die groot skobbejakke tussen die grondorganismes. Hulle is skelm (’n mens kom altyd te laat agter...

Riglyne vir die oprigting en bestuur van plaagdoderstore op plase

Elke plaas in Suid-Afrika maak gebruik van plaagdoders, hetsy sintetiese, natuurlike, biologiese of selfs organiese plaagdoders. Sulke middels wat as landboumiddels in die Wet op Misstowwe, Veevoedsel, Landboumiddels en Veemiddels, 1947 (Wet Nr. 36...

Update on wheat rusts in South Africa

Wheat rusts are fungal diseases that primarily infect the leaves and stems of wheat. There are three types of rust diseases (stem rust, leaf rust and stripe rust) which commonly occur on wheat worldwide. All...

Olieboom, kankerroos, purperwinde – die drie sondebokke

September 2018 DR MARYKE CRAVEN, MARLENE VAN DER WALT en DR JEANETTA SAAYMAN-DU TOIT, LNR-Graangewasse, Potchefstroom Olieboom, kankerroos en purperwinde is drie onkruide wat tot afgradering van graan kan lei. Die effektiewe beheer van dié onkruide...

‘n Kykie na insekplae op MIELIESAAILINGE

September 2018 ELRINE STRYDOM, LNR-Graangewasse, Potchefstroom Gedurende die ontkieming en opkoms van ‘n mielieplantjie is dit belangrik dat ‘n mens bewus sal wees van insekte wat skade daaraan kan aangerig en om pro-aktief op te tree...

Managing the local risk of fall armyworm infestation in maize

The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) has now been present in South Africa for three cropping seasons. This pest has its origin in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of South America and the most southern...

Herfskommandowurm: Toevlugsoord benadruk

Die herfskommandowurm (Foto 3) is ’n ernstige plaag op mielies in Suid-Afrika wat skade aanrig aan die kelkblare en aan mieliekoppe. Hierdie kommandowurm kan betekenisvolle opbrengsverliese veroorsaak en moet daarom dringend beheer word. Bt-mielies wat...

A look at integrated pest management

Pest management is only one aspect of overall crop production that needs to be considered by a grower. It cannot be considered on its own – overall management of the crop by the grower...

Say it before you spray it

There has been several unfortunate incidents in South Africa in the past two years where large colonies of bees were tragically lost due to pesticide use. In response to these events, various industry experts were...

Contribution of insects in agriculture: The value of ecosystem functions

According to a recent 2019 UN report on biodiversity, human activities are severely threatening global biodiversity, with a million species predicted to go extinct within the next few decades. What does this imply for...