Genetic and mechanised innovations in SA maize production
Maize is critical to food security in South Africa, contributing about 50 to 60% of the population’s carbohydrate intake. It is primarily consumed in the form of maize meal (mielie meal), which is used to prepare popular dishes...
Nuwe broodkoringkultivars vir die koringbedryf
Koring, die tweede belangrikste graangewas na mielies in Suid-Afrika, se 2023/2024-bemarkingsjaar het met ’n oes van 2,05 miljoen ton afgesluit. Ten spyte van ’n uitdagende produksieseisoen is dit net meer as die vyfjaar- gemiddelde oes van 1,98 miljoen...
When is it too late to plant?
In major maize production regions of South Africa, the optimal planting date for maize is considered to be around late October to mid-December for Mpumalanga (22%), the Free State (43%) and North West (17%), respectively. In these regions...