Genetic and mechanised innovations in SA maize production
Maize is critical to food security in South Africa, contributing about 50 to 60% of the population’s carbohydrate intake. It is primarily consumed in the form of maize meal (mielie meal), which is used to prepare popular dishes...
Unpredictable weather? Protect grains from post-harvest pests
Climate change is reshaping the agricultural landscape, presenting unprecedented challenges for producers worldwide. Irregular weather, including altered rainfall patterns, more frequent floods, and higher temperatures, are significantly impacting crop yields.
South Africa, a nation heavily reliant on agriculture, has...
BEWARINGSLANDBOU: Praktyke gedefinieer
In die omgangstaal word verskeie terme gebruik wanneer daar van bewerking en gewasproduksiestelsels gepraat word – terme soos konvensionele, verminderde, bewarings- en geenbewerking, asook bewarings- en herlewingslandbou. Hierdie verskeidenheid van terme en hul gebruik kan nie vermy of...