A decade of increasing soybean cultivation in South Africa

August 2018 FANIE FERREIRA, GeoTerraImage and PETRU FOURIE, research co-ordinator and production cost analyst, Grain SA South African soybean production responded positively to the large investments that were made to construct new crushing capacity, with the...

Heffing sal nuwe tegnologie ontsluit

August 2018 SA GRAAN/GRAIN REDAKSIESPAN Die Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye het op 22 Junie vanjaar ‘n statutêre heffing op sojabone goedgekeur waarvolgens saadmaatskappye vergoed kan word vir hul prestasie in die sojaboonsaadmark. Die heffing wat...

Bemestingspraktyke op sojabone

Sojabone is deel van die peulgewasfamilie – wat uniek is in die opsig dat dit die vermoë het om residuele (opgeboude) grondvrugbaarheid goed te kan benut. Stikstof (N) kan deur peulgewasse gebind word deur...

Drying soybeans in SA’s unique conditions

The drying of soybeans in South Africa is not as common as in other parts of the world. This is despite the obvious advantages such as reduced harvest loss, more efficient use of harvesting...

US-China trade war: Impact on the soybean market

08/08/2019 Hegemony’ is a term which is defined as ‘leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others’. Synonyms for hegemony include words such as dominance, supremacy, authority, control and power. When speaking...

Cultivars and technology for the new season

The demand for reliable sources of protein makes soybeans an important oilseed crop in South Africa. As a popular source of protein and oil, it is being cultivated in more regions than ever before....

Improving the soybean industry

It is no secret that the soybean industry has grown substantially – especially in the last six years. However, in the 2018/2019 marketing season there was a substantial amount of carry-over stock of soybeans,...

Plantproteïene wil hulle eet

Volgens onlangse vooruitskouings deur die Wêreld­gesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) word ’n populasiegroei van sowat een biljoen mense teen 2025 verwag, wat die wêreldpopulasie op agt biljoen mense te staan sal bring. Hierdie groei plaas al hoe...

An incredible cereal and proudly African

August 2018 WIANA LOUW, general manager, Southern African Grain Laboratory Sorghum, an ancient cereal grain that is a staple crop in India and throughout Africa, originated in Africa and can therefore be considered a proudly African...

Teling-en-tegnologie­heffing by sojabone – voordele reeds sigbaar

Die teling-en-tegnologieheffing het nog skaars afgeskop en vele voordele van dié stelsel is reeds sigbaar. Sedert Maart vanjaar is ’n teling-en-tegnologieheffing vir sojabone ingestel om sojaboonsaadtelers te vergoed vir hulle investering in genetika en tegnologie. Graan...