SELEKSIEDRUK beïnvloed effektiewe beheer van PLAAGINSEKTE

Insekplae is al teenwoordig sedert die begin van landbou en produsente het van die vroegste tye nuwe maniere gesoek om landboukundige plae te beheer. Van die eerste chemiese plaagdoders wat ontwikkel is, was ’n...

Fertilisation and planting date impact yields

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an annual oilseed crop globally cultivated on a production area of approximately 26 million ha that results in ± 47,4 million metric tons of seed annually – an 8%...

Vergeet die bure – bly eerder in pas met winsgewende praktyke

“Keeping up with the Joneses.” Hierdie spreekwoord word dikwels ligtelik gebruik, maar die beginsel­ om tred te hou met jou buurman kan ’n groot impak op landbou hê. Nuwe tegnologie is orals be­skikbaar en...

Quality overview of the 2020 maize crop

A total of 890 composite samples, representing white and yellow maize of each production region, were received and analysed to determine their quality. The samples consisted of 516 white and 374 yellow maize samples. The...

Proven strategies to cut irrigation electricity costs

With rising electricity prices, producers are hard-pressed to find a way to cut down on their electricity consumption as it pertains to performing certain operations on their farms. One aspect of farming where growers...

Do CA practices increase mycotoxins in maize?

Conservation agriculture (CA) is a systematic approach that discourages soil disturbance by integrating zero tillage, permanent soil cover and crop rotation to establish a balanced, sustainable agro-ecosystem. This approach ensures the efficiency of cropping systems...

Deeglikheid bring dubbelgoud

Met ’n lewensuitkyk dat ’n mens jouself altyd moet druk om beter te presteer, is dit geen wonder dat Japie Breedt van Bapsfontein vanjaar weer die hoogste opbrengs in die Groei vir Goud Nasionale...


Groen sojabone is bone wat geoes word voordat hulle ten volle volwassenheid bereik het. Dit kan ’n noemenswaardige impak op die sojaboonekstraksieproses hê, veral as daar gekyk word na olie- en proteïenekstraksie. Hier is ’n...

Aluminium toxicity – developing more resistant crops

Aluminium (Al) toxicity is a major issue for producers across the world, affecting 67% of global farmland. This problem occurs in acidic soils (pH ≤ 5,5) and hinders the growth, development, and productivity of...

Brasilië se graanrewolusie: ’n verhaal van innovasie en volharding

Dit is geen geheim dat die internasionale graanmark hoogs mededingend is nie – en Suid-Afrikaanse produsente is nie immuun teen hierdie werklikheid nie. Om in die globale graanmark mede­dingend te bly, is dit noodsaaklik...