Fertilisation and planting date impact yields
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an annual oilseed crop globally cultivated on a production area of approximately 26 million ha that results in ± 47,4 million metric tons of seed annually – an 8%...
ARC evaluates sorghum cultivars
Sorghum, an important cereal crop in Africa and a staple grain for millions of people, is used to make bread, porridges, soups and cakes for human consumption. It is also used as fodder for...
Indigenous crops can help with food security
Dr Zaid Bello,ARC-Grain Crops, Potchefstroom Dr Maletsema Alina Mofokeng,ARC-Grain Crops,Potchefstroom Deon du Toit,ARC-Grain Crops,Potchefstroom
In South Africa, the population is growing at a rate that exceeds farming outputs. This means that producers cannot...
Be on alert for these insect pests
Soybeans are one of the many grain legumes cultivated in South Africa. Over the past few decades, the local cultivation of soybeans increased extensively. This can be attributed to the increase in area planted...
Laer olie-inhoud pootjie plaaslike sonneblombedryf
Die internasionale mark vir sonneblomsaad is besig om aansienlik uit te brei as gevolg van die vinnige toename in die gebruik van sonneblomolie danksy verbruikers se toenemende gesondheidsbewustheid. Die Suid-Afrikaanse sonneblombedryf is egter nadelig...
Hoekom plant ons sonneblom?
Naas mielies is sonneblom een van die belangrikste wisselbougewasse in die westelike produksiegebiede. Redes hiervoor sluit in wisselbou, laer insetkoste as mielies, ’n korter groeiseisoen, groter droogte- en koueverdraagsaamheid, beter opbrengste en meer stabiliteit...
Aanvullende besproeiing verg goeie beplanning en bestuur
Produsente word dikwels gekonfronteer met die vraagstuk of vol besproeiing of aanvullende besproeiing toegepas moet word. Beide besproeiingstelsels het hul plek, voordele en nadele.
Dit maak egter nie saak watter stelsel geïmplementeer word nie –...
Several highlights for irrigated wheat breeding in 2020
The crop improvement programme at ARC-Small Grain has been supplying new and improved wheat cultivars to the producers of South Africa since the late 1960s. The spring wheat-breeding project for the irrigation areas has...
Dié kultivars beskikbaar vir koring en sojabone
Die ontwikkeling van nuwe kultivars en die navorsing daaroor is uiters belangrike komponente in die verbetering van koring- en sojaboonopbrengs onder besproeiing in Suid-Afrika.
Goed aangepaste kultivars met ’n hoë opbrengs is die sleutel tot...
Maize discolouration and water damage – what is the impact on quality?
Maize industry members, represented on the trade group of the Maize Forum steering committee, have since 2019 discussed possible recommendations to improve the maize grading regulations. The discussions included questions about the proper definitions...