Bly weg van pikloram … beheer skraalhans eerder só

Skraalhanse is geharde, semihoutagtige, hoofsaaklik winteronkruide wat laat in die seisoen ontkiem wanneer gewasse al fisiologies ryp, maar nog voor oes is (Foto 1). Wat veral in hierdie onkruid se guns tel, is sy harige...

Research shows response of genotypes to foliar diseases

Sorghum is a major human food source in several African countries where agricultural and environmental conditions are unfavourable for other cereal crops. There is an increasing body of evidence and awareness of the beneficial...

Topografie affekteer klimaat en landbou só

Die topografie van ’n gebied kan beskryf word as die rangskikking van natuurlike asook kunsmatige terreinvorms. Dit kan voorwerpe van verskillende hoogtes bo seevlak wat teen verskillende hellings ten opsigte van die horisontale of...

Cutworm management: Are producers getting it right?

There are several Agrotis cutworm species (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) present in South Africa, namely black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon), grey cutworm (Agrotis subalba), brown cutworm (Agrotis longidentifera), spiny cutworm (Agrotis spinifera) and the common cutworm (Agrotis...

Wat is beter: Bandplasing of uitstrooi van kunsmis?

Watter metode is die beste wanneer dit kom by die toedien van kunsmis? Dit is beslis iets waaroor graanprodusente behoort te dink. Om die vraag te beantwoord moet produksietoestande eerstens in ag geneem word. Gronde...

Pasop vir klein jakkalsies wat die wingerd verniel

Is jy op soek na ’n energie-oplossing om besigheidskontinuïteit te verseker, afhanklikheid van die netwerk se krag te verminder, energiekoste te verlaag of jou onderneming se omgewings­impak te verbeter? Sukkel jy dalk om te...

SA producers keen on precision agriculture

The incessant cost-price squeeze which forces producers to continually increase their productivity and reduce input costs, has prompted the author to research current adoption rates, farm-level barriers and perceived benefits of precision agriculture technology. Surveys...

Enzyme treatments for reducing fungal toxins in maize

Species of the fungal genera Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium are known to produce mycotoxins in a wide range of staple grains worldwide. It is estimated that mycotoxins contami­nate a quarter of the world’s food crops,...

Kombinasie van metodes nodig om onkruid te beheer

Normaalweg is daar ’n wye verskeidenheid onkruide teenwoordig in sojaboonaanplantings met die intensiteit van voorkoms wat kan varieer. Aangesien die verskillende onkruidspesies, veral gras- en breë­blaaronkruide, verder verskil wat betref groeiproses en lewensiklus, is...

Effect of insecticides on aphids: evolution of resistance

Aphids are globally significant economic pests that can lead to substantial economic losses. Management of aphids is challenging because of their extremely high mobility and the fact that they can rapidly reproduce, resulting in...