SA Grain April 2015

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Graan SA se Hoofbestuur soos op 4 Maart 2015

April 2015 Publication: April 2015 Section: Special feedback

Glad met die tong én pen

April 2015 ESTIE DE VILLIERS, redakteur: SA Graan/Grain Dié manne kan hul standpunt duidelik by die leser en die gehoor tuisbring: Mnre Cobus Bester (produsent van die Wes-Kaap), Wessel Lemmer (senior ekonoom, Graan SA) en dr Hendrik Smith (bewaringslandboufasiliteerder, Graan SA) en het met die toekennings vir die beste spreker tydens Kongres asook die beste […]

Fokus steeds om tot diens te wees van graanprodusente

April 2015 WILLEM VOOGT, bestuurder: Bemarking en Finansies, Graan SA Tydens die afgelope Kongres het Graan SA ook terugvoer gegee aan lede rondom die resultaat van die heffinginkomste vir die 2014/2015-seisoen. Alhoewel droogtetoestande heers oor die land en meeste produsente se oeste skraal lyk, was daar steeds ‘n ongelooflike positiwiteit onder produsente en is die […]

Finansiële welstand vir plaaswerkers

April 2015 WILLEM VOOGT, bestuurder: Bemarking en Finansies, Graan SA Graan SA en Momentum het hulle tot ‘n opwindende strategiese vennootskap verbind wat Graan SA-lede in staat sal stel om vir hulle en hul plaaswerkers produkte uit te neem ten einde finansiële welstand vir hul plaaswerkers te bring vanaf so min as R29 per maand. […]

Companies who made Congress 2015 possible

April 2015 Grain SA expresses its heartfelt thanks to these companies who made Congress 2015 possible/Graan SA spreek sy opregte dank uit teenoor hierdie maatskappye wat Kongres 2015 moontlik gemaak het: Publication: April 2015 Section: Special feedback

A first for our industry

April 2015 Financial wellness for Grain SA members and farmworkers One of the key focus areas of Grain SA is labour. We understand that members of Grain SA strive to adhere to good labour practices. We also endorse the need in the industry to improve the employment conditions and benefits of farmworkers. Recent research undertaken […]

Western Cape Department of Agriculture takes the Annual Combined Congress by storm

April 2015 JOHANN STRAUSS, JOHAN LABUSCHAGNE and ANNELENE SWANEPOEL, Department of Agriculture, Western Cape Government The annual Combined Congress of the South African Societies for Soil, Horticultural, Weed and Crop Sciences were held in George, from 19 to 22 January this year. A total of 17 delegates representing the Western Cape Department of Agriculture (WCDA) […]

Good labour practices and relationships in the spotlight

April 2015 — Vastrap Enterprises (Part 2)   ELMARIE HELBERG, SA Graan/Grain contributor In the March issue of SA Graan/Grain we talked to Quentin and Marisa de Bruyn of Vastrap Enterprises about their staff – which they believe is the most important asset of their farming business and this philosophy underlines their approach to labour practices. Recognition […]

Phoma black stem of sunflowers: Potentially devastating in certain production fields

April 2015 MOSES RAMUSI and BRADLEY FLETT, ARC-Grain Crops Institute Phoma black stem is caused by the soil-borne fungal pathogen Phoma macdonaldii, which occurs in some of the major sunflower production areas of South Africa. Severe infections on susceptible hybrids can cause up to 100% yield losses in one particular field. Disease survey results from the […]

Onkruid in die winterreënvalstreek: Deel 11

April 2015 Duiwekerwel (Fumitory) PJ PIETERSE, Departement Agronomie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch Wetenskaplike naam: Fumaria muralis Afrikaanse naam: Duiwekerwel Engelse naam: Fumitory Daar kom twee Fumaria-spesies in Suid-Afrika voor, maar net Fumaria muralis (duiwekerwel) is ‘n algemene onkruid. Alhoewel dit na bewering ‘n relatiewe swak mededinger by wintergraan is, kan dit sterk met groentegewasse kompeteer. Duiwekerwel se kompetisie-impak hang […]


April 2015 CORNÉ LOUW, senior ekonoom: Bedryfsdienste, Graan SA Die dieselprys bestaan uit 45% heffings en belasting, maar… 55%van die groothandelsprys van diesel in Maart het uit die basiese brandstofprys (invoerpariteitsprys van diesel) bestaan en 45% daarvan uit heffings en belasting. Die grootste gedeelte (70%) van hierdie belasting en heffings bestaan uit die algemene brandstofbelasting […]

Grain market overview

April 2015 17 March 2015 WESSEL LEMMER, senior economist: Industry Services, Grain SA The impact of drought and early deliveries on the supply of maize – for the March/February reporting period Role-players in the grain industry was shocked on 26 February by the National Crop Estimates Committee’s prediction that the drought may lead to a […]

Ear rots of maize: A continuous threat to food safety and security

April 2015 BRADLEY FLETT and EDSON NCUBE, ARC-Grain Crops Institute Diplodia ear rot caused by Stenocarpella maydis, Fusarium ear rot caused by Fusarium verticillioides and Gibberella ear rot caused by the Fusarium graminearum species complex are the major ear rot diseases occurring in South Africa. These diseases have been identified as recurring problems throughout maize producing areas. The fungi causing […]

Downy mildew of sunflower: Uncommon, but can cause localised damage

April 2015 MOSES RAMUSI and BRADLEY FLETT, ARC-Grain Crops Institute Downy mildew is caused by the soil-borne fungal pathogen Plasmopara halstedii, which occurs in the major sunflower production areas of South Africa. Previously, minor downy mildew epidemics have been recorded in the Rustenburg, Brits and Potchefstroom areas of the North West Province of South Africa in […]

Conservation agriculture: Part 14

April 2015 WAYNE TRUTER, University of Pretoria, CHRIS DANNHAUSER, Grass SA, HENDRIK SMITH, Grain SA and GERRIE TRYTSMAN, ARC-Animal Production Institute Integrated crop and pasture-based livestock production systems This article is the 14th in a series of articles highlighting a specific pasture crop species that can play an imperative role in CA-based crop-pasture rotations. Besides […]


April 2015 ‘n 180°-blik op ons lede en tak-aktiwiteite WILLEM VOOGT, bestuurder: Bemarking en Finansies, Graan SA Graan SA-streeksvergaderings is weer ‘n belangrike raakpunt Graan SA gebruik streeksvergaderings om op ‘n jaarlikse basis op ‘n persoonlike vlak met produsente te kommunikeer rakende die werksaamhede van Graan SA en ook om die toekomstige strategiese fokusareas aan […]

Bemagtigingsmodelle wat in die Wes-Kaap werk: Deel 2b

April 2015 STEPHANUS RICHTER, produsent, Windheuwel en Genadeshoop Boerderye, Piketberg In die eerste deel van hierdie artikel (in die Maart-uitgawe van SA Graan/Grain) is na die eerste stappe gekyk wat hulle op Windheuwel en Genadeshoop Boerderye gevolg het: Vergifnis, opoffering, opleiding, eie grond/sekuriteit en eienaarskap. Die res van die stappe word vervolgens bespreek. Stap 6 en […]

Grain SA Congress 2015 in retrospect

April 2015 JANNIE DE VILLIERS, uitvoerende hoofbestuurder/CEO In my opinion there were two big new tendencies at the Grain SA Congress 2015, namely: Politicians started listening to producers; and producers’ ability to overcome problems. Minister Senzeni Zokwana was the first Minister of Agriculture since 2004 who attended Congress and did not merely walk in, deliver […]

Fluisteringe uit ‘n ou gebou

April 2015 Beste Grootneef Ek en Buurman het vroeër vandeesweek oor die draad staan en kuier. Dis droog man, die veld is sommer vaal. Buurman vertel toe dat die ou NAMPO-gebou in Bothaville uiteindelik verkoop is. Daardie middag moes ek gou-gou dorp toe. Daar gekom, besluit ek om vinnig ‘n draaitjie deur die ou gebou […]