SA Grain March 2020

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Eerste lojale kliënte kry aandele in hul sak

Kliënte wat in die eerste seisoen van die NWK Lojaliteitsprogram geregistreer het, het onlangs die vrugte hiervan begin pluk toe meer as 2,6 miljoen NWK Beherend-aandele en 34 242 NWK Beperk-aandele aan hulle oorgedra is. Dividende ter waarde van R466 313 is ook intussen op dié aandele verdien. Gedurende 2018/2019 is R8,5 miljoen se lojaliteitspunte […]

World-class crop shows here again

With multi-crop expertise and exceptional agronomic information on offer, Pannar’s crop shows, known as Extravaganzas, are a highlight on South African grain producers’ calendars. The 2020 Pannar Extravaganza series runs across the country’s maize production area from February to April. These events provide producers with an excellent platform to see Pannar’s latest products first-hand and […]

Nuwe kultivar vir besproeiing verras

Die ultravinnige, geel besproeiingsbaster P1197YHR asook P1197R en P1197 is die afgelope seisoen vir die eerste keer in Suid-Afrika aangeplant, as gevolg van die kultivar se indrukwekkende prestasies van tot 33 t/ha in opbrengskompetisies in die VSA. Die geskiedenis het egter al bewys dat kultivars van elders wat hier getoets word, nie altyd dieselfde prestasie […]

Judgement on farm dwellers – implications for landowners

A recent judgement in the Pietermaritzburg High Court on the right of farm dwellers and labour tenants to be provided with services by relevant municipalities, may hold important implications for landowners. Annelize Crosby, policy head: Land Affairs at Agri SA, has issued a summary of the case and its possible impact on landowners. In the […]

Africa trade agreement could generate significant gains

Data from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) shows that the African continent only conducts 15% of intra-regional trade, despite geographical proximity – compared to around 47% in America, 61% in Asia and 67% in Europe. In 2018, the total intra-African agricultural trade was valued at$25 billion ($13 billion in exports and […]

Preserving the future with solar PV

In the last five years the responsibility to preserve the future of our planet has been driven home, as South Africa faces the consequences of climate change. From tornadoes in KwaZulu-Natal to a drought-stricken Northern Cape, the impacts of climate change are knocking at our door. The way we approach energy usage and power production […]

Kultivarevaluasie doen voetwerk vir produsente

Die afgelope seisoen was seker een van die moeilikste koringseisoene wat hedendaagse produsente nog beleef het. Grafiek 1 wys waarom koringprodusente in die Oos-Vrystaat sulke lae opbrengste behaal het. Die reënval wat in die kritieke periode van koring se ontwikkeling moes voorkom, was weglaatbaar min (in totaal slegs sowat 3 mm). Alhoewel die Oos-Vrystaat tradisioneel […]

Kanolapaspoort – van produsent tot verbruiker

Die wêreld- en plaaslike voedselindustrie ervaar die ontwrigtende en verlammende effek van klimaatsverandering intens. Al hoe meer verwoestende brande breek uit en die wurggreep van droogte het ’n groot impak op voedselvoorrade. Voedselveiligheid is belangriker as ooit en dit is noodsaaklik om ’n land se voedselvoorsiening te beskerm. Daarom is dit nodig dat laasgenoemde deur […]

Kan daar op bemesting gesny word?

Op die vraag of ’n produsent bemesting kan verminder as hy of sy bewaringslandboupraktyke toepas, is die antwoord “ja”. Dit is egter nie ’n eenvoudige antwoord nie. Die ontwikkeling van en vordering met bewaringslandbou neem tyd en is nie ’n oornagsukses of soos die Engelsman sou sê ’n “silver bullet” nie. Om bogenoemde stelling toe […]

The good guys: Beneficial nematodes at the service of producers

Soil is alive! In a teaspoon of healthy soil there are more organisms than people on earth. Bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and nematodes, among others, interact with the surrounding environment that consists of minerals, water, air, nutrients and organic matter. This collective of living and non-living matter represents the soil ecosystem. Soil is dynamic! Energy […]