A day worthy of celebration!

After a two-year absence, Grain SA’s Day of Celebration was held at NAMPO Park on 21 September. The aim of the event is to give recognition to emerging farmers who are part of the...

Industry and government collaborate for better biosecurity

Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza, launched the National Biosecurity Hub at the University of Pretoria (UP) on Tuesday 11 October, saying that it will play a major role in...

Rain or sunshine on the SA horizon?

Food insecurity is on the rise. Price hikes over the past year – especially that of fuel and consequently food – have had a major impact on households and even more so on the...

Waar staan sake met grondbone?

’n Simposium om te bepaal waar die grondboonbedryf hom tans bevind, het gesorg vir aanbiedings oor teling, plantsiektes, agronomie en markte. Tydens die paneelbe­spreking het brandpunte in die bedryf duidelik na vore gekom. Die simposium,...

Ten years of regenerative farming progress

Conservation Agriculture Western Cape (CAWC) celebrated the 10th anniversary of progress at the 2022 Jack Human Week of the Landbouweekblad Conservation Agriculture Conference. Dr Johann Strauss from Elsenburg (Western Cape Department of Agriculture) and...

Ensuring a sustainable future for agriculture through CRISPR

Just imagine a world where we lived in perfect harmony with nature – no human suffering, farmers sustainably producing enough food that is safe and affordable, limited threats from pest and disease pressure, no...

Maak seker jou dam is wettig

Die Departement van Water en Sanitasie (DWS) het die publiek versoek om die departement se damveiligheidskantoor te nader vir leiding oor aansoekvereistes vir lisensies om nuwe damme te bou of wanneer hulle ’n dam...

Graanprodusent van die Jaar-toekennings … dit was ’n lang wag!

Net soos vele ander geleenthede en funksies, is die Graanprodusent van die Jaar toekenningsgeleentheid ook deur die COVID-19-pandemie geraak. Drie jaar se afwesigheid was ’n lang tyd om te wag om erkenning aan van...

NAMPO Kaap blom in die Overberg

Die 3de aanbieding van NAMPO Kaap, en die grootste nog, het die pas afgelope naweek tot einde geloop. Graan SA tesame met Bredasdorp Park NPC is dankbaar vir die rekord 32,640 besoekers wat NAMPO...

Documentary shows impact of FDP

Through partnerships with Grain SA and government, as well as with other industry role-players such as Bayer, many South African farmers have moved from start-ups to scale-ups. They have increased their yields and become...