Wat is in ’n naam?
Beste Grootneef
Ontgroening is in dese dae van menseregte ook nie meer wat dit was nie. Immers ook goed so, want tussen ’n klomp seniors is daar altyd ’n varkie wat boelie-bedraad is. Maar een...
Someone who has shown tremendous improvement through the mentorship he receives in the Phahama Grain Phakama (PGP) Farmer Development Programme, is Mhlangenqaba Mkizwana, the 2024 Grain SA/Absa/John Deere Financial Subsistence Farmer of the Year....
’n Boervrou wat aanhou planne maak
Februarie se held: Venessa Oldewage
Venessa Oldewage is nie ’n vrou wat op moedverloor se vlakte bly sit wanneer die een misoes na die ander tref nie. Die boervrou in haar staan nie net reg...
A hero not afraid of hard work
December/January’s hero: Mzwakhe Thomas Sibiya
Mzwakhe Sibiya (23) is following in his father’s footsteps, working passionately with soil near Amersfoort, Mpumalanga. He was nominated by his father, Musa Sibiya, as a hero in the Grain...
Two of the category winners in the Farmer of the Year competition hailed from the Mbombela office where Jerry Mthombothi (61) is PGP’s regional development manager. Jerry was very excited when his mentee, Jim...
Hopeful and energised for the new season
As I sit here and write this message, we are planting the new crop – what a blessing! We have received good rains, and the new season holds so much promise.
We can all look...
Stephan van Middelburg en die goeie gades
Beste Grootneef
Ou Neef, Afrikaans is kookwater. By NAMPO Alfa loop ek my vas in die Ystervark-span. Hulle nering is om sleepwaens te bou. Die volgende modelle is te koop: die “Hardegat Bulletjie” vir ’n...
A humble hero with A HEART OF GOLD
November’s hero: Heino Hiestermann
Heino Hiestermann is a commercial producer in the Mkhondo area in Mpumalanga and was nominated as November’s hero in the Grain SA/John Deere My Hero series by Timon Filter, a mentor...
Mentorship leads to friendship
For Jacques Roux, regional development manager from the Free State office of Phahama Grain Phakama (PGP), mentorship has become a lifestyle and a popular topic of conversation. ‘It’s wonderful to see the difference one...