Striving to be the best at what they do – produce food

Despite the drought experienced in most parts of the summer rainfall area, the entries in the 2024 Grain SA Grow for Gold national yield competition saw excellent yields per millimetre of rain. Speaking at the...

NAMPO ALFA: Where tradition meets innovation

The NAMPO ALFA expo held at NAMPO Park from 17 to 19 October was a celebration of the industries that sustain and inspire rural communities. This third edition of NAMPO ALFA brought a perfect...

Genetic and mechanised innovations in SA maize production

Maize is critical to food security in South Africa, contributing about 50 to 60% of the population’s carbohydrate intake. It is primarily consumed in the form of maize meal (mielie meal), which is used...


Met die tema “Landbou: Die ruggraat van ekonomiese groei” het NAMPO Kaap 2024 nie net sy vyfde bestaansjaar gevier nie, maar ook die 30-jaarherdenking van die eerste Meganisasiedag in 1994 waar daar slegs tien...

Day of Celebration 2024: honouring agricultural excellence

One of the most vibrant events on the Grain SA calendar is the annual Day of Celebration and this year there was even more to celebrate as the event was preceded by the first...

CELEBRATING AWARD WINNERS in the grain farming family

‘It is with joy and pride that we celebrate the innovation and dedication of grain producers in South Africa at the 25th Grain Producer of the Year function. The nominees in each category have...

“Saam kan ons meer bereik,” glo André

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Graan- en Olie­sadehandelaars (SACOTA) is die mees prominente vereniging van handelslede wat in Suid-Afrika en die Suider-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap-streek (SAOG) werksaam is. Dié organisasie se visie is om deur die uitbreiding...

Dieselprys op laagste vlak in 15 maande

Vir die maand van Augustus 2024 het oliepryse gemiddeld teen $78,70/vat verhandel. Dit het gelei tot ’n verlaging in die brandstofprys vir September 2024. Die basiese dieselprys, oftewel die werklike koste van diesel, het...

Riglyne vir gemeenskapsprojekte binne landbou

In Afrika is landbou meer as net ’n bedryf; dit is die lewensaar van gemeenskappe wat lewensonderhoud, werk en ’n lewens­wyse bied. In Suid-Afrika, waar die landbousektor ’n kritieke rol in beide die ekonomie...

GSA‘s Plant Health Day identifies challenges and future priorities

Grain SA’s research department hosted a Plant Health Day on 16 August. The event focused on addressing the major challenges in plant health, reviewing ongoing actions, and enhancing collaboration among stakeholders. The event successfully...