November’s hero: Heino Hiestermann
Heino Hiestermann is a commercial producer in the Mkhondo area in Mpumalanga and was nominated as November’s hero in the Grain SA/John Deere My Hero series by Timon Filter, a mentor and trainer in Grain SA’s PGP farmer development programme.

Timon explains that Heino’s farming practices and ethics are of the highest standards, but above all, he is a man who cares about the people around him. ‘Heino is a very successful businessman whose mission it is to help build communities! When I came to him asking for support with some of the projects I am involved in, he did not hesitate and was more than willing. He is very involved in helping previously disadvantaged communities surrounding his farm. He is also a leader in his community and serve as the chairperson of the Grain SA Piet Retief branch.

‘Is Heino my hero because he plants so many hectares of maize, soybeans, and oats?’ Timon adds. ‘Is he my hero because he learned and applies conservation agriculture? Is he my hero because he is a good businessman and learned how to build a sustainable, growing family business?
‘Although all of the above are true, these are not the reasons why Heino is my hero. It is because in the midst of all the growth and success, he has kept his feet firmly on the ground, grounded in his faith in God. In the years working together, it has amazed me how he as a busy, successful businessman, would make time for people in need. It does not matter if it is an old gogo from the community, a school, or a church, Heino would make time and he would help if he was able to. This is why he is my hero: His Heavenly Father blessed him and he chose not to harden his heart but to help and care.
‘With this nomination, I want to thank Heino for the impact he has on his community.’