1. Entries should portray the theme, #LoveFarming.
  2. Only amateur photographers (in other words people who do not make a living from taking photos) may enter the competition.
  3. The photographers must provide captions for the photos as well as their postal address and telephone number/s.
  4. People on the photos must be identified (provide a name and surname).
  5. Only emailed entries will be accepted. The photos must be in JPG format, not smaller than 1 MB and no bigger than 10 MB each.
  6. Photos entered must be unique and should not portray the same theme as photos entered for other competitions. Photos entered must not have been published previously.
  7. Manipulated photos will not be accepted. Unacceptable manipulation of photos essentially entails adding visual elements that were not in the photo originally (e.g. clouds or plants); as well as elements in the image that change the context or theme of the photo (e.g. an unattractive and substantial element somewhere in the photo). Acceptable manipulation entails the following: Changing the photograph’s original dimensions (cropping – given that it doesn’t change the context or theme), adjustments to underexposed or overexposed parts (exposure adjustments) and adjustments to the room temperature (the general colour tint of the photo – colour temperature correction). If in doubt about the extent of manipulation, judges may request that the original photo be made available.
  8. Participants may enter a maximum of three photos (with varying subjects) per edition. If more than three photos are entered, the first three photos received will be considered for the competition.
  9. A participant who is announced as a monthly winner may not enter the competition for the following three editions.
  10. Photographers may enter their photographs up until the deadline each month. Entries received after this date will be entered for the following month’s competition.
  11. Grain SA reserves the right to reject photos that are blurry and/or do not adhere to the competition rules.
  12. A panel consisting of two professional photographers, a representative each from
    SA Graan/Grain and Sasol, will judge the photos each month.
  13. All entries become the property of Grain SA. The photos will be stored in a data bank and Grain SA and Sasol may use it for future promotions, marketing and publication purposes. By entering the competition, the entrant agrees to this and no third-party claims for copyright violation may be submitted.
  14. Employees of Sasol, Grain SA and Infoworks may not enter the competition.