World-class crop shows here again

Published: 27 February 2020
Christin Hunter, Pannar Seed


With multi-crop expertise and exceptional agronomic information on offer, Pannar’s crop shows, known as Extravaganzas, are a highlight on South African grain producers’ calendars.

The 2020 Pannar Extravaganza series runs across the country’s maize production area from February to April. These events provide producers with an excellent platform to see Pannar’s latest products first-hand and to interact at a personal level with the company’s experts and executives.

This year Pannar is actively supporting the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH). Designated by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), IYPH 2020 is a momentous opportunity to raise global awareness on how protecting plant health can help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment, and boost economic development. Producers will hear more from Pannar’s team of experienced agronomists about how they can keep their crops healthy, protecting the huge range of benefits plants provide to humans, wildlife, the environment and to our economy. Attractions include the following:

Crop tours
Plant health recommendations and detailed information about the unique features of the new products in Pannar’s portfolio:

  • White maize: New hybrids with second generation stalk borer resistance. Managing plant health.
  • Yellow maize: Exciting new early and medium-early hybrids. Managing plant health.
  • Irrigated maize: An unsurpassed ultra-early white and yellow hybrid package. Managing pests and insects.
  • Sunflower: The industry-leading conventional and Clearfield® Plus hybrid package. Disease signs, symptoms and management tips.
  • Soybeans: Four exceptional new cultivars. Managing the diseases of economic importance.
  • Dry beans: A new red speckled bean and a small white canning cultivar. Diseases and management.
  • Forage crops: Lucerne, annual ryegrass, perennial ryegrass, forage cereal crops, Japanese radish, forage sorghum and teff.
  • Make your best silage yet: Maintaining silage health, the fermentation process, inoculants and pit face management.
  • Wheat: An exceptional cultivar package and how to manage your wheat crop for top results.
  • Grain sorghum: Hybrids for performance confidence.

Bonanza reward programme
Place an order before 31 March 2020 and qualify for a fantastic Bonanza reward.

Extravaganza dates
The main Extravaganza was held at our Delmas research station on 26 and 27 February. Pannar is also holding similar events in the Free State at Kroonstad and in the North West Province at Biesiesvlei, near Lichtenburg. The Extravaganzas largely cater for commercial producers, but on 19 March at Biesiesvlei there will be an event specifically aimed at smallholder and developing farmers.

4 March – Kokstad
5 March – Underberg
10 March – Lüneberg
11 March – Kroonstad
17 March – Biesiesvlei (commercial producers)
18 March – Biesiesvlei (smallholder and developing farmers)
19 March – Winterton
31 March – Karkloof

Further information available at

The attention to detail as illustrated in this photo of the Jacobsdal Extravaganza, underwrites the hospitality and technical information producers can expect at these world-class information days.
Gerhard Engelbrecht with a group of producers on their way to attend an informative talk on soybean production at the 2019 Delmas Extravaganza.